Sunday 22 May 2016

Pagano diet for Indian recipes

Pagano diet for Indian recipes

Hi guys, I’ve been recently diagnosed with psoriasis and I come to terms that it is manageable, but not curable. I searched for diet protocols and found Pagano diet. Its book on Amazon has impresive reviews. Before buying the book, I found some rules of this diet and it was sad for me to see that it is quite difficult for Indian food routine. Here in India, use of wheat to make Indian bread and use of nightshades is almost mandatory in curries. Potato, tomato, green chilly, red chilly–life would be so dull without these..please suggest something That’s very insightful Dette. A good point that I had either missed or forgotten about. Perhaps I should finally bite the bullet and stop eating potatoes and fried chips… I’ll miss them but if it cures my psoriasis it would be worth it. It’s the only nightshade that I didn’t give up, as it’s my absolute favourite food and I’m still convinced that potatoes are very good for you (I’ve always believed potatoes to be one of the best carbs around) but alas although they may be great for most people, they may not be good for psoriasis suffers 🙁 By the way Dette, could you please send me some of your recipes? Your nightshade free ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, chilli sauce and barbecue sauce, sound great. Its not that you cannot have “spices” it is that you have to avoid the nightshade related ones. The initial stage of the diet is to clear out your system so the recipes to limit the number of added spices. However, there are number of youtube videos interviewing Pagano. During his interviews, he talks about the biggest part of the diet is eliminating nightshades. He also mentions the reasons for the ‘spices’ is initially to cleanse but because there are many dressings, seasonings, and so forth that use the words “Natural Flavorings”, “spices”, and “seasonings”. Unfortunately, these words often mean there are a nightshade derivative such as chili powder or paprika (I know I keep saying paprika, but in the US, the FDA says Paprika can be used a coloring agent and therefore can be combined as “spices” or natural flavors”. In some of these interviews, Pagano talks about how he says to avoid mustard, worcestershire sauce and so forth because they contain nightshades. The way to avoid that, make it nightshade free 🙂 Thanks Detter, the only nightshades I eat now are potatoes/chips. Interesting about the gluten free, I tried it for a while but didn’t do it correctly as it was near christmas time and I caved in to eating the Xmas meals. Didn’t think we were supposed to be eating the likes of mustard, worcestershire or chilli sauce according to Pagano’s? No spices etc… admittedly I do occasionally but not very often. Jodashadow, I have not reintroduced any nightshades. I can tell when I have accidental exposure, specifically with the potatoes (or potato starch which is used in most gluten free bakery goods, so I make most of my own now) or peppers (i.e. paprika, chili powder, red pepper flakes, and all of those derivatives). For me, the nightshade elimination helped more with the PsA and erythema nodosum. The Gluten elimination helps more with the actual psoriasis. All three issues, however, got so severe I was in and out of the hospital and would get extremely sick for about 3 years that I have not even attempted to re-introduce these foods. However, I do try to find close substitutions. For instance, I have make a nightshade free ketchup, mustard (this is actually simple), Worcestershire sauce, and chili sauce to combine and make a nightshade free barbecue sauce. It is actually really good and according to my husband very similar to ‘real’ recipe. I do this with a lot of foods! I have suffered from Psorisasis since 2004 and developed PsA which lead to erythema nodosum (extreme sickness which resulted in hospitalizations a few times). In December 2014 my husband came across Pagano’s book. I started in January and probably removed nightshades and gluten completely by February (they hide like paprika in mayo is just crazy). If I may it to tomorrow, May 22, 2016, it will be one year since I got a erythema nodosum flare (which was happening about 1 or 2 times a month). While I have not played around with too much Indian food yet, I have reinvented a number of meals from a nightshade free tomato paste (using a combination of beets, pumpkin, onions, carrots and nightshade friendly seasonings), use turnips vs. potatoes (if you want a ‘tarter taste’) or rutabaga (for a softer taste). I have managed to find that using a equal portion of dry mustard, cumin, and coriander make a pretty good substitution for chili powder. I have actually become obsessed with reinventing foods (on my blog If there is a specific recipe you are wanting to change, you can send it to me and I will start working on reinventing it. Sorghum flour is gluten free and used in many countries for sweet pastry goods. If you want no sugar you can use stevia. You can find a paleo substitute for just about any food by searching in google or in youtube. Here is a link to a cookie with no flour and no sugar. I have modified it many times by adding things like lemon zest, cinnamon, vanilla extract, sorghum flour, tapioca flour, coconut flakes, etc: Indian food is almost a no-no on the Pagano buddy. Sorry my friend but sometimes when what you are eating causes you to have something, you don’t have much choice but to give it up. I do still eat potatoes but then again although I have got rid of my PsA, I still have the odd psoriasis patchs. Perhaps if I gave them up I may get rid of the psoriasis too but man that owuld be tough for me to do but I know deep down I should and someday I will try it but for now I can live with psoriasis, however I couldn’t live with PsA, it’s awful. Personally for me I feel that giving up tomatoes and tomato based products was the main cause for me managing to successfully get rid of my PsA. Yes I changed other foods also but I’ve re-introduced some of them but tomatoes is one food that I am simply too afraid to re-introduce as I never want to have the PsA back again. “Lycopene on its own effectively reduced inflammation by inhibiting the release of TNF-α and stimulating IL-10 production.” The jury is still out. But there are many other benefits of eating tomatoes that help prevent maladies that we P sufferers are prone to. Give up tomatoes at your own risk. I just picked up my 25 tomato plants for this year’s garden. Guys The problem is that whenever any one has posted about natural cures we get blasted for trying to market wares by someone or the other so i am sceptical about it . Adding me as a friend is not a big deal as we all have lots of friends on on Inspire and does not compromise the annonymity . May i request any one interested to add me and i am happy to share . It is of course much more cumbersome for me to reply to different people but i am happy to do that . Vivek Hello Jenny, Have a look at whole30 protocol, you may find there are foods/ spices you can reintroduce without causing flares. Every one is different and you may find wheat, night shades and spices are not reactors for you. Hi Jenny I am in Mumbai and can give you suggestions on the pagano diet and herbal remedies in case interested . For that you can add me as a friend . Vivek Join many others who understand what you're going through and are making important decisions about their health.
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